After studying troublesome for the SAT and taking the tryout at most minuscule two times, you are unmoving not self-satisfied with your gain. What to do? Well, you can return the SAT again, or you can write off as the ACT. Both exams are acceptable at all colleges. College admissions officers do not benignity one test over and done with the opposite. And depending upon the sort of scholar you are, the ACT may fit your skills more than the SAT.

The ACT is curriculum based, that is, the questions are aimed more at what you certainly swot in High School. Therefore the ACT is more awareness supported and unambiguous. The SAT on the some other paw is more of a intelligent tryout which favors students who have untouchable woe finding skills. The data formatting of the ACT consists of cardinal mini tests-Math, English and Science with an nonmandatory 30 insignificant composition check. While the ACT is shorter (2 work time 55 report vs. 3 hours 45 account for the SAT), it is more clip intensive-the trainee must reply respectively questioning rapidly in establish to get through an whole writing in the assigned clip.

Many school advisors postulate near are two clear groups of students which may chalk up substantially sophisticated on one experiment or the some other. High achievers who get the top grades in the most problematical classes done knotty career across the world do amended on the ACT. Gifted underachievers who are bored in background mostly do well again on the SAT. Which genre of educatee are you?

My warning for all High School juniors is childlike. After you receive your May or June SAT score, check to see whether your SAT valuation fits into the admissions criteria for the schools you will be applying to. If not, acquisition The Real ACT Prep Guide (2nd Edition) and orientate yourself with the try-out during the season. Take the ACT in September or October of your privileged twelvemonth. Whichever mental testing yields the maximal score, move the mountain of that exam along beside your institute petition. It's a no suffer proposition.


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