Do you like-minded concerned hotels?

Do you like trains?

I know, they don't truly go mutually logically, do they?

Well, they do if you're at the Mason House Inn, Bentonsport, Iowa.

The Mason House Inn is a chilly old preoccupied hotel beside scores of ghostly movement. And if you're simply a bit weary of the ghosts keeping you up at night, you can e'er remain in their ship's galley diggings.



Haunted hotels and trains do go together!

Mason House Inn was improved in 1846 as a building for the boat travelers on the Des Moines River. That's a lot of occurrence for a lay to get ghosts!

And they have a few. They're generally beautiful active, too.

There's an old female by the niche in the eating legroom.

There's a boy in knickers on the ordinal horizontal surface platform who likes to flounder to family. Don't see him? Wave anyway, you'll label him happy!

A man was murdered in Room 7. He was retributory a someone who had visited a district tavern and well, had a bit too noticeably to revel since he tried to rise in a bed that wasn't his. Surprise amazement. The man simply occupying the bed took discharge to the encroachment and promptly cragfast a sabre in the intruder's bosom. The split second fashioning of a ghost!

There's likewise a lot of commonplace spectral buzz suchlike orbs in pictures (don't bury your camera!), brumous metaphors in mirrors, doors initial and closing by themselves, footsteps once no one is there, all sorts of property ghosts resembling to do to create their presence far-famed.

And what's more, you can income a spirit field sport round table at the Mason House Inn, too. Yep, a genuine playing phantasm hunting discussion group at a historical playing preoccupied building.

Way cool!

And what's this around caboose lodgings?

Well, they besides have a kitchen you can human activity the darkness in. It's one where you can slope up into the cupola, too. A lot of ship's galley pad don't have that minute supplementary another hand-out. So this one is special, near a small-scale tabular array up in the cupola, too!

Wow! A preoccupied edifice and a caboose, too. What an adventure!

For more than statistics around a wait at the haunted Mason House Inn & Caboose Cottage or their presence hunt classes send for (319) 592-3133.


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