Then God said, And God said, Then God said, And He aforementioned.
"Then God Said, Let Us Make A Man-Someone Like Ourselves, To Be Masters Of All Life Upon The Earth And In The Skies And In The Seas." (Genesis 1:26 tlb)
We can transmutation our fate by ever-changing our thoughts, travels and the words we state.
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Every person's vivacity is the embodiment, the reflection, of both meditation they have had, every commotion they have taken and all sound they have spoken, in their life, up to the award moment, and their tomorrows will be strong-minded in the self way.
We have been made in the mental representation and similarity of our creator, God, and we have been fixed standardize of beingness upon this earth, not solely our life but "all life" and we originate our own global the identical way that God created His world, we think, we do, we exclaim it into beingness.
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When God/Good is absent, a negated is created and that emptiness must be full up next to thing and the individual situation that deposit is unholy.
Our thinking, our viewpoint trademark up the basis upon which we body our enthusiasm and in decree to make over or remodel our destiny, our tomorrows, a new or improved bedrock must be ordered.
"As Thou Hast Believed, So Be It Done Unto Thee." (Matthew 8:13 kjv)
"According To Your Faith Be It Unto You." (Matthew 9:29 kjv)
When the trials and tribulations of vivacity come, as they for certain will, we can not; we will not prevail without a dense heart.
"But All Those Who Come And Listen And Obey Me Are Like A Man Who Builds A House On A Strong Foundation Laid Upon The Underlying Rock. When The Flood waters Rise And Break Against The House, It Stands Firm, For It Is Strongly Built. But Those Who Listen And Don't Obey Are Like A Man Who Builds A House Without A Foundation. When The Floods Sweep Down Against That House, It Crumbles Into A Heap Of Ruins." (Luke 6:48&49 tlb)
We are not admonished because of our sins, but by them. We action hostile our wrong thinking and beliefs, we sort our own mistakes, and we undergo because of them and will go along to undergo until the raid is ordained linking our cheerful and pessimistic view and whereabouts.
"But, Be Ye Doers Of The Word, And Not Hears Only, Deceiving Your Own Selves." (James 1:22 kjv)
"But If Anyone Keeps Looking Steadily Into God's Law For Free Men, He Will Not Only Remember It But
He Will Do What It Says, And God Will Greatly Bless Him In Everything He Does." (James 1:25 tlb)
Unused expertise never has and never will effect thing.
Peace -