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Issues in software engineering education
Reusable Ada Components Sourcebook
Ada and Beyond: Software Policies for the Department of Defense
Ada, Experiences and Prospects: Proceedings of the Ada-Europe
Computational fluid dynamics: an introduction for engineers
Tropical trees: the potential for domestication and the rebuilding
Plantation Technology in Tropical Forest Science
Principles of Tropical Agronomy
Wild Crop Relatives: Genomic and Breeding Resources: Plantation and
Course notes, Volume 4
Rapid Integration of Software Engineering Techniques: Third
The Usability Engineering Lifecycle: A Practitioner's Handbook for
User Interface Design: A Software Engineering Perspective
Engineering the User Interface: From Research to Practice
New Directions for Database Systems
XML Retrieval
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Encyclopedia of Database Systems: Te - Z : temporal expression -
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Decision Making Process: Concepts and Methods
Personalized Digital Television: Targeting Programs to Individual
A mathematical mosaic: patterns problem solving
The American mathematical monthly: the official journal of the
25 big ideas: the science that's changing our world
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Usability Engineering
Eighth Annual Symposium on Frontiers of Engineering
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Information Security and Privacy: First Australian Conference, ACISP
Protocols for Authentication and Key Establishment
International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS)
Secure Key Establishment for Mobile Networks
Network Flow, Transportation, and Scheduling Theory and Algorithms
Just-In-Time Scheduling: Models and Algorithms for Computer and
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